Fulora Smart 3S Program
Smart 3S Program is to address the climate change issues in innovative non-conventional manner which
gives Swachhata(Cleanliness) – Suraksha(Security) – Swasthya( Health).
Swachhata – Suraksha – Swasthya are integrated part of our society which will provide great support to global climate change initiatives. All activities conducted in Fulora foundation are the part of ‘Fulora smart 3S’ program. The task is humongous but together we can serve to the large communities and make everyone comfortable in this Amrut period of INDIA.
We take pride in saying that we have aligned our program with the Sustainable Development goals. Our agenda intersects with many of the goals, with a particular focus on No poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health & Wellbeing, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, life on land, Climate action, and Partnership for Goal. We invite all the stakeholders of Climate Change to support us and help us to mitigate the Climate Change
initiatives. We hope that your CSR support will help us to make this project a grand success.
Impact of Climate Change
Climate change is a reality that is affecting millions of people across the world, especially the most vulnerable, by increasing the frequency and virulence of the extreme meteorological phenomena that cause material damage and population displacement. People around the world are facing the consequences like heat waves, wildfires, flooding, etc. Since 1880, the average global temperature has increased by 0.85°C, sea levels have risen by 19cm and the Arctic has lost 1.07 million km2 of ice per decade, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The main drivers of climate change are greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide that trap the sun’s energy in the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping into space, resulting in global warming.
India’s electricity, Transport, Industry and agriculture sector are the dominate emitters of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane and nitrous oxide). A large amount of electricity is generated from fossil fuels, especially coal, which generated about three-quarters of the country’s electricity. The Indian agriculture sector is a major source of hazardous greenhouse gases (methane and nitrous oxide), which contribute to the greenhouse
effect and climate change.
Severe impacts of climate change can be seen on various aspects including health. Experts consider climate change a major risk to human well-being both physically and mentally. Climate change threatens to decrease agricultural productivity, increase food insecurity, and challenge the livelihoods and survival of poor people.
1. Zero Emission Green Taxis Initiative
Emissions from transport are still on the rise, representing 12% of India’s energy-related CO2 emissions in 2021. In 2018, 93% of passenger transport and 78% of freight transport went by road. Both sectors are still dominated by oil, and electric vehicles (EVs) make up only 0.4% of car sales.
We aim to reduce emissions of GHS in the transport sector by replacing the existing petrol, diesel and CNG vehicles with electric vehicles in India. We are developing solar power bank vehicles with inverter batteries that will be charged with the help of solar power farms that are already successfully generating electricity. Solar films on the roof of the vehicle will be connected to an additional battery that will be used to store energy for the driver’s various gadgets and taxi equipment as an additional source of energy.
• To increase capacity of ‘Low-income Taxi Driver communities’ to mitigate.
• To encourage and promote innovations in areas susceptible to climate change.
• To build partnerships between Drivers and Passengers, both private and public organizations to create new
Eco system in Electric Vehicles.
• To contribute to sustainable development and the reduction of poverty.
• To leverage additional financing for climate action.
• Developing opportunities: climate-compatible economic policy perspectives as a driver for more ambitious
• Developing skills and ideas: establishing an educational landscape on the issue of climate action.
• Support for national development as a driver for investment in climate action, in particular in sustainable
urban infrastructure.
• Climate-conscious energy transition in the transport sector with a focus on heating & cooling.
• Pandemic preparedness: natural protective barriers between humans and animals by expanding, linking
and improving protected areas to reduce carbon foot print and support climate change.
• From pilot to application: expanding climate-conscious and biodiversity-friendly use of Solar supported
Electric Vehicles.
• Biodiversity-friendly and climate-conscious financial systems in response to COVID-19.
2. EV Charging Stations
There are two types of EV charging stations:
- Mini charging stations
- Solar farms
Mini charging stations will have EV charging stations across India with commuter facilities. Whereas the Solar Farm will provide EV charging stations and farming under the shade of solar panels. We have created a 15- year systematic program that provides – electricity, EV charging stations, agriculture and livelihood opportunities to thousands of people.

Solar Farm: provide EV charging stations and farming under the shade of solar panels.

Min Solar Station: EV charging stations with commuter facilities

Flow chart of solar power generation and EV vehicle charging
Additionally, farmers will earn double the income from the same land by renting land to install solar panels and farm under the panels. Cultivation under shade saves a lot of water and also increases the yield of certain fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, Solar panel installed on the “Barren land’’ or on the “Low-fertile Land” helps farmers to get the benefit through land leasing and employment opportunities through hydroponic
plants run under solar panels. Farmers will form their ‘Self Help Groups’ to monitor the activities efficiently and on a long term basis.
Why is supporting a zero emission program worth it?
If your policy doesn’t include investing in EVs and reduced emission plans then you might want to rethink it. Even if you contribute a fraction to it, the potential benefits that you get are outstanding. These include,
- Reduced Carbon Footprint
- No noise and air pollution
- Low maintenance and Lower running costs
- Reflects that you welcome and accept changes
- Convenience of charging at home
- You are emerging as a socially conscious
Group/company - Healthy environment
3. Solid waste Management
Apart from this we are also working simultaneously on Solid Waste Management under 1st S- Swasthya (Self Health & Social Health) initiative. We are creating these Public Charging Centers along with Solid waste management centers which will help us to sustain the project and make it economically viable.
Solar Automatic Composting Machine,
Treatment Capacity: 10-2000 kg
We are decentralizing the solid waste
management program which will consists of
formation of paid volunteers, handling of Self
Help Groups with the help of LAM’s – local
area management groups. Senior Citizens &
Home makers will act as guardians of the
Adult Orphans, LAM’s – Local Area Management Groups and Senior Citizens in the form of self-help groups get meaningful jobs through solid waste management program. Each self-help group have 15 to 20 members.
Initially, a detailed survey conducted and rag pickers (waste worrier) encouraged to form self-help groups. They have given skill development training and professional management training to manage waste at source. We are create system to reduce the garbage at source itself. Waste handlers manage the collection and movement of household waste recycling. The biodegradable waste get composted and further used as
fertilizer in the fields. And the non-biodegradable waste gets recycled and used to make materials, tools and farm implements for farmers for better agriculture and income.
Use of Artificial Inelegance and ML Technology to provide synchronized services and solutions-
- Installations of waste composters at Source in Maharashtra’s major places. Initially we start the work
from Nagpur City & Nagpur District as well as for Mumbai MMR Region. - Installation of separate Dust Bins for Dry, Wet waste & Metal/Glass waste.
- Installations of waste composters at Source in Maharashtra’s major places. Initially we start the work
- We have tied up with ‘People plus Software’ who have designed I-safe program for safety and
security of Senior Citizens, Children and women in distress to feel safe and travel freely in the society. - Installations of safety devises for enhancing the strengths of Police Department.
- Registration of bio matric and Aadhar Card / Mobile Number of Taxi, Auto, Tempo & Truck Drivers,
House Maid, Security Guards, Delivery boys, Construction workers. This will enhance capacity of
Police department. - Provide additional Safety to Senior Citizens, Tourists, Women and Children by using advance
technology and humanly monitoring in real time manner. - Provide Road Safety solutions and additional monitoring support at critical locations to create
Accidents Free travel. - Reduce abusing behaviors of miscreants which will reduce the Burdon of the Police Departments thus
eliminate their stress levels and improve their health conditions. - Create warehousing management program for food distribution system and supply of essential
material at various places in Nagpur. - Create Tourism Taxi program for tourist visiting to our nation.

1. Digital Health Platform
Digital Health Platform for Public Health Aimed at Achieving SDG-3 Targets. 40% of India‘s population is mostly dependent on the public health systems for primary, secondary and tertiary care at government health facilities. The United Nations Sustainable Goal 3 Health & Well-Being
(SDG 3) highlights the main goals for Health and wellbeing that need to be met in 5-10 years for the entire population.
Along with social health we intend to provide basic health support to poor people as well as orphans and street children. We have tied up with Ohum Healthcare for introducing their “PIKORUA DIGITAL HEALTH PLATFORM” to provide horizontal solutions to various applications to provide easy access to people and healthcare professionals. We intend to implement this solution to grass root villagers to gain access to advance healthcare facilities as well as various insurance programs smoothly.
Even today a lot of people don’t have access to basic healthcare facilities for which we intend to work systematically and bridge all the gaps by using Modern AI and ML Technologies made available to them. This initiative will help to eradicate the vacuum in the present healthcare system and to provide basic health care needs of the common man with continuous tracking of their treatment which avoids duplication of the tests. This initiative will also provide the employment opportunities for younger generation. Providing them marketing and management support to become self-sufficient and self- sustainable by use of AI and ML technologies.
Fulora Foundation has been mandated to execute a 3 year Pilot in Mumbai MMR, Nagpur region in Maharashtra to meet the UN SDG Chapter 3 Health and wellbeing goals and to enable the citizen to access the entire spectrum of health and related services while improving the quality and efficiency of the public health system.
A three pronged approach of deploying a digital health platform, recruiting a large Self Help Group volunteers and building wellness and telemedicine centers is designed to meet the unique requirements of a community care model that enables district and state level health systems to meet Sustainable Goal 3 Health and Wellbeing goals.
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Digital Health Platform A digital health platform delivers information, drives transactions,enforces protocols and best practices and expands reach to cover all citizens with little additional investment in infrastructure, management and operations. | Governance & SHG Workforce A large team of SHG workers and a strong governance re-enforces protocols and best practices and drives change to meet or exceed the SDG goals ahead of time. | Wellness and telemedicine centersTelemedicine, with its very low cost and rapid deployment, and Urgent care, driven by best practices and a cashless payless service model,together drive social change and trust to assure universal access and to deliver optimal preventive care and promote healthy lifestyles. |
Such a model drives care at the patient homes, increases access, builds trust, reduces out of pocket costs, saves time and most importantly improves health. The Citizen has hassle free, cashless payless access to free integrated healthcare for his/her urgent, primary, wellness, chronic and palliative care.
Built upon global best practices and proven technology, The State of Rajasthan has embarked on just such a journey 5 years ago and today the platform has boarded 930 hospitals and clinics, managed 127 Mn appointments and 6.7 Mn admissions. The system maintains ONE CITIZEN ONE RECORD, revolutionizes the payer provider patient care delivery model and brings transparency, reach and 24/7 access to all citizens. It
will soon cover over 30 Mn citizens.
Objective of health care program includes,
- Provide additional health assessment support to marginalized poor citizens and villagers as well as
abundant Senior Citizens, Women and Children by using advance technology and humanly monitoring
process. - Also provide single technology platform to monitor various health Apps thus reducing the pressure of Asha
Workers and Medical Staff of filling of data in various Apps. - Reduction in repetition of multiple health checkup tests by making them available through use of AI&ML
Technology by managing Electronic Health Records. - Provide real time virtual doctors and tale medicine facility. Appointment of Self Help Groups & VLC’s to
coordinate working with Asha Workers and Health Workers. - Linking of Gov. Hospital facilities with Wellness centers, Local Body health centers and Private Hospitals
which will help to increase the use of preventive Health program and reduce the fatalities.
2.Digital Immunization Records(DIR)
This program exists because millions of young children in India are missing out on immunization, and are at risk of disease and deadly outbreaks. Despite the number of immunization programs launched by the government of India, mothers and new-born die tragically each year many of these deaths result from vaccine-preventable diseases. In India, nearly one million children die before their fifth birthday from a vaccine-preventable disease. Half of the worlds under vaccinated children are in India.